5 Books About Dating: Don’t Miss Your Chance To Know More About Dating

Dating has become an essential part of our lives. We find our partners through dating apps and think some clicks will do everything for us. But wait? Is it true? You better polish your skills about dating and with the book list you’ll find below, you turn your dating life into something incredible. Time to know more.
1. How To Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love by Logan Ury
Even the title of this book is kind of funny and appealing at the same time. But what about the book itself? Is it worth spending time reading this book? It’s a funny but practical guide on how you can find and date a person of your dreams. This is a perfect book if you’re interested and desperate about finding someone.
The author reveals all the critical aspects of how to approach and sustain your love. It incorporates the results of behaviorism, scientific research, real-life stories, and the experience of the author. Every chapter will give your important insights on dating and the technique on how you can impress your crush.

2. Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman
Just before you start reading this book, you need to know that the authors of this book are people with Ph.D. degrees. So, take this reading seriously. Why do you need to read this one? If you’re interested in having a great time with a partner you’re dating, it should be a great tool to ensure that everything will be fun, interesting, and productive.
What’s common about any type of relationship? It starts with dating. How and about what you talk about will matter when dating. This book will give invaluable tips on how you can make your dating experience better. You’ll be able to learn about things like money, sex, family, dreams, and so on.

3. The Dating Playbook For Men: A Proven 7 Step System To Go From Single To The Woman Of Your Dreams by Andrew Ferebee
How about testing a method that has undergone trial and error for decades? With a proven system of approaching women, you can say goodbye to your lonely life. It’s time to get a woman who can change your life for good. This book isn’t just about the methods of pick up. Instead, it gives more insights.
You’ll learn how to transfer yourself into a bolder and more confident version of yourself. You’ll get a 90-day game plan on how you can conquer your lady of dreams. It’s not a book for those looking for casual flings. It’s a book for committed lovers.

4. Attached: Are You Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? How the Science Of Adult Attachment Can Help You Find-And Keep-Love by Dr. Amir Levin and Rachel S.F. Heller
Does the science of love exist? If yes, what is it? With this book, you’ll redefine or even rediscover the concept of being in a relationship. It’s a book that’ll help you find and sustain love. It focuses on the concept of attachment that’s considered to be an essential part of love and relationship at the same time.
When thinking of attachment, it’s about thinking in 3 ways such as being anxious, avoidant, or secure. Discover what these mean in a relationship and get your tips on ensuring that you’ll never lose the person of your dreams. Simply put, you’ll shed light on a relationship through the lens of science and psychology.

5. The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
When it comes to gaining the mastery of your target, or the one you’re dating, you need to know how to ensure that you’ll get what you want. Dating isn’t about getting someone’s attention. It’s just more than attention. If you want to get the most passionate, sincere, and sensual moments with your girlfriend, this book is what you need.
The advantage of this book is that it’s engaging and easy to read. You won’t get stuck understanding the points of the author. If you’re into intimate relationships and planning to make your partner fall in love with you, you better get this indispensable weapon of love.

The books above illustrate how you can find an ideal way to conquer the hearts of ladies who tickle your interest. The more you know about dating and tips, the more prepared you’ll be for dating. So, pick your book at your preference and start reading now.