Funny Relationship Advice: 10 Funny Dating Tips You Can Actually Use

We normally think about funny dating tips as a way to kill time and have a chuckle, but funny bad relationship advice can sometimes be deeper than you think. Here are the 10 funniest dating advice that you can actually learn something from.
1. The fundamental mistake
Albert Einstein once said that men and women make the same mistake when beginning a relationship: women believe that the men will change, while men believe that the women will never change. So now that you have this knowledge, you can avoid making this mistake and simply accept your partner for who he or she is. This will help you avoid many common relationship problems in the future, and while the romance may not be as perfect as you’ve pictured it in the beginning, it will prove to be more stable in the long run.
2. Have faith in the relationship
The not-so-funny love advice you often hear is this one: have faith in the relationship, and as long as you have it, it will all work out. However, the real-life version of that advice would sound like this: it’s essential to have faith, but faith is no excuse to ignore the red flags. The red flags can tell you more about the future of your relationship than any amount of faith you can ever have.
3. Love vs. marriage
People often view marriage as the logical conclusion of love, but there is a significant distinction between the two. Love is idealistic: it makes you forget about the other person’s imperfections. Marriage is realistic and makes the other person’s flaws even more visible to you. However, it’s impossible to stay happily married to someone when you’re not in love with them because otherwise, their imperfections are all you are going to see.
4. How to really know your partner’s limits
This funny relationship advice that has only appeared in the last two decades is this one: if you want to know what your partner is like when they are angry or lose patience, let them sit for a few hours in front of a computer with a slow internet connection. Things may go smoother than you ever imagined, or you may see the side of your partner you never knew existed in the first place.
5. The most important words in any relationship
When beginning a new relationship, most people wait for the three big words: “I love you.” However, the words that can be even more important as the relationship progresses are four different words: “I’ll do the dishes today.” This is one of those funny date tips that no one teaches you and that you only learn with age.
6. Never go to bed angry
Sometimes bad relationship advice & funny explanations are very straightforward, and sometimes you need to really think about them. Take this popular relationship advice, for example: “Never go to bed angry.” It implies that you need to resolve the argument before sleep, make up, hug and kiss each other, and go to bed as in love as you were before the argument. However, things aren’t always as simple in real life. So what’s the next best solution? Simply win the argument beforehand.
7. Find someone who’s compatible
Relationship columnists and therapists often say that a good relationship is all about communication. But what about the times when you don’t want to communicate at all, even though you’re not even remotely mad at each other and are simply not the world’s most sociable people? The funny dating advice we can give in this situation is to find someone who is just as antisocial as you are. That way, you won’t feel any pressure to engage in social situations, and you will be able to simply enjoy each other’s company without feeling the need to communicate all the time verbally.
8. Who to settle down with?
If you haven’t found a partner by a certain age, you begin wondering: “Maybe I should settle for someone who has been paying attention to me for some time?” This is not the worst strategy, but ultimately, the rule you need to follow is simple. Settle not for the person you can imagine yourself living with, but for the person that you absolutely cannot imagine yourself living without.
9. Fighting about money
Money is one of the most common reasons why couples fight. Whether it’s about making money, spending money, making big purchases, saving up, or any other money-related issue, money is the cornerstone of many arguments. However, when you think about it, arguing about money doesn’t make much sense. You can spend hours or even days discussing this topic, but the amount of money in your bank account won’t change even one bit.
10. Simply be yourself, but on one condition
“Be yourself” isn’t a piece of advice that is universal to dating—you can hear it told to anyone of any age and in any situation. However, it’s also applicable to relationships, but on one condition. Being yourself is great, and you don’t have to change your personality for anyone, but if your personality is not that good, you should definitely change it.
Final thoughts
If you’re a person who doesn’t take anything too seriously and can find even bad dating advice funny, then you’ve definitely found some of the funny relationship tips on our list helpful. Whether you are just beginning a new relationship, are single at the moment, or have been with someone for a long time, funny relationship advice quotes are a great way to lighten the mood and possibly even get some insights to help your dating life!