How To Talk To A Shy Girl: 11 Proven Ideas And Tips That Work

Approaching and talking to women is a whole art even when they are sociable and talkative, but shy girl flirting is an entirely different art form that requires precision, preparation, and finesse. So how to talk to a shy girl to make her open up to her without scaring her away? Here are 11 tips for making talking to a shy girl easier than you imagine.
1. Become the proactive party even if you are also shy
The situation when a guy who wants to know how to attract a shy girl is also shy is more common than you think. There is no magical way to suddenly stop being shy in this situation. If you are really interested in that particular woman, all that is left to do is get out of your comfort zone.
No matter how much a shy girl may like you, she will never get enough courage to approach you. However, when she knows you’re also shy but made an effort to become more sociable for her, she will always appreciate it.
2. Make sure you have the patience
You can read dozens of guides on how to deal with a shy girl, but they won’t necessarily get you any closer to your end goal. Approaching a shy lady and going from strangers to friends and then to lovers can take months, so if you are expecting quick results, you may want to reconsider your strategy. A shy girl can take longer to win over, but the reward will certainly be worth it.

3. Don’t point out her shyness
This is a tip now only on how to talk to shy girls, but also on how to talk to a shy person in general. Even when you become closer, don’t ever point out the girl’s shyness or ask why she’s so quiet.
She either doesn’t have a real answer and that’s just who she is, or she has her own reasons, such as emotional trauma, for acting cold and reserved. In any case, when you point to this side of her character, she may become even more guarded, so you will achieve a result that is opposite from what you originally wanted.
4. Get her to open up with small talk and jokes
Wondering how to approach a shy girl? Small talk and jokes never hurt! A woman may not want to answer personal questions or agree to go out with you the first time she sees you, but she will never be able to contain her laughter if you make a good joke. And small talk is a foolproof way to make a girl feel at ease no matter how long you know each other.
5. Don’t take her shyness as a lack of interest
This is a widespread problem for all shy people: potential partners mistake their shyness for lack of interest. The rule of thumb here is simple: if a woman actively engages in a conversation with you and laughs at your jokes, it means she is definitely interested in continuing the relationship even though it may not appear that way.

6. Bond through shared interests and activities
So how to get a shy girl to talk to you and make everything natural and straightforward? Make sure to find plenty of shared interests and opinions! When you bond over opinions and views you already share, you won’t even notice how the connection between you grows and your shy conversation partner isn’t that shy anymore.
7. Being shy doesn’t mean she lacks confidence
How to ask out a shy girl to achieve the best results? Simply don’t confuse shyness and lack of confidence or low self-esteem! A shy woman can have a pretty high opinion of herself, which means she will need you to step up your dating game if you want her to say yes. There is no way to know for sure what level of confidence your potential partner has, so just assume every girl has high self-esteem and expects the best.
8. Your relationship can benefit from modern technology
Looking for a secret on how to get a shy person to talk? Modern technology can be the answer you are looking for! With so many opportunities to establish a connection without actually seeing eye-to-eye, there may be no need to subject the other person to the uncomfortable process of talking when you can simply chat, text, or exchange emails. And when you are comfortable enough with each other, you can finally talk in real life.
9. Give her enough personal space
Shy people are very protective of their personal space. When you are researching talking to shy girls, don’t forget to also keep in mind that you need to give the woman enough space. She will want to process the conversation you’ve just had, think about her feelings for you, and simply have some time alone with herself like she normally does.

10. Ask open-ended questions
What to say to a shy girl to make sure she replies? Shy individuals have their own tricks and techniques to avoid talking to others, but they can hardly resist answering when someone asks them an open-ended question. So, instead of asking: “Do you come here often?”, ask: “What do you like about this place the most?”
11. Make sure she’s actually shy
You can spend ages trying to understand how to ask a shy girl out or how to get her to open up to you, but there is one thing you need to understand. If you are using every way to get a shy girl to like you but it’s not happening, maybe she’s not that interested in you in the first place and is only pretending to be shy because she doesn’t have the guts to tell you the truth.
You can ask her directly or simply try to seize the communication for some time. If she doesn’t reach out, it may be a sign that you’re the only interested party in this relationship.
Final thoughts
Asking a shy girl out doesn’t have to be the most challenging thing you ever attempt. As long as the girl is simply shy but is actually interested in you and is not just pretending to be quiet because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by saying no, your relationship will progress naturally after the first few phrases. So do your research on how to flirt with shy girls, come prepared, and let romance take its course.